Contemporary Dance
Contemporary is a fusion of ballet, modern, and jazz technique that incorporates artistry and improvisation. Learn dance technique while also pushing and shaping that same technique into a new line and movement. Using current music and dance trends, our teachers explore each dancer’s movement potential so that they feel confident, creative and free to find their own dance expression.
Hip Hop
This high energy dance class explores the style of Hip Hop. The dancers will build physical self- awareness, expression, musicality and confidence exploring diverse movement patterns and steps. Using fun music, teachers encourage the children to move with power, speed and rhythm. Our outstanding faculty will engage and foster your child’s comfortability and own movement strengths. Class will include a warm-up and stretches, center exercises, across the floor, and choreography. Your child will get physical activity, learn the foundation and background of hip hop and have a blast!
Contemporary Dance
Ages 6-8 years old
Ages 6-8 years old
W 3:45-4:40
Hip Hop Pop-Up
Ages 6-8 years old
Ages 8-10 years old
Ages 6-8 years old
T 4:20-5:15
Hip Hop Pop-UpAges 8-10 years old
T 5:20-6:15
March 4th-25th
Price $228 for 4 week session + $25 registration fee
Fall and Winter/SpringDance classes - Ages 5/10 - $57 per class.
*Dance classes - Ages 8/10 -$57 per class.
Hip Hop classes - Ages 8/11 - $57 per class.
Prices calculated by number of weeks remaining in semester.
10% off for the second class.
15% off for the third class.
10% off on siblings.
Discounts cannot be combined.