Dear Parents,
Welcome to the Fall 2019 Semester at Discovery Programs! After a busy summer of camp programming all the way up to Labor Day, we are ready to switch gears and be immersed in the excitement of fall. At the start of every school year, I feel connected to a particular theme or feeling. This year, I think it’s about the “comfort zone.” Stepping outside of the comfort zone is one of the best ways to grow and develop. The first week of the semester exhibited this in many aspects, not only for myself as a Director, but for many of our students. I stepped out of my comfort zone quite a few times this week. I felt challenged. I felt nervous. I had to do things that felt hard. I had to trust what was going to happen in new situations.
When we are challenged to step outside of that comfort zone, we often don’t want to do it at first and try avoid it. I saw this in many of our students this week. Some were really worried to try a new class without their friends, some were worried to be at a new gym, some were hesitant to separate from their parents, some were worried to try a new skill. Just like myself, they faced their fears and I think for the most part when they succeeded or overcame that fear, they felt really good. Not only does it feel great when you step outside that comfort zone and succeed, but it’s confidence-building as well. I look forward to stepping outside of the comfort zone this semester and school year and I hope your children will too. Happy Fall!
Warm Wishes,
Katie Kheel