The Spark! – March/April 2017

A Note From The Director
Dear Parents,

March is already over and we are just getting this newsletter out in early April on our Spring Break. This will be our March/April issue. As you may know our Office Manager, Emma left mid-February and we have been without one since. Sometimes, we have to prioritize and things get pushed back. Unfortunately, The Spark, our newsletter was one of the items left behind as we started prepping for summer camp, the Spring Recital, the Discovery Olympics and our other end of year events. 
In parenting, we all have to make decisions about priorities also. Some decisions can be harder than others- when to keep our child in an activity and sport when they are upset, anxious, or crying every week, when to allow the child more down time, when to allow that extra screen time when you have so many things to catch up on, when to push on more school work. We can only do the best we can in each moment with the information we have at hand. Its not always easy to go with the flow or make these decisions but as I told someone this week sometimes it’s best to just follow what’s in your heart.
In the meantime, we are still on the hunt for a great Office Manager!  I know we will find the right person soon. 

Warm Wishes,

Katie Kheel
Memory Lane                                     
An Interview Lisa Stark, Executive Director 
March 8th was International Woman’s Day. We thought it would be fun to ask the female creative visionary that started Discovery Programs a few questions about the program.  
The tag line of the program is Find Your Spark! How did you come up with that phrase?
I was having a brain storming session with our staff about what Discovery offers children, and I kept saying children can develop a love and passion for dance or gymnastics at Discovery and someone said, Find Your Spark. I kept seeing it over and over in children, whether it was running, dance, art or being upside down.  It was like they were finding and owning a talent and a new identity, a place where they belonged outside of home…a new family.
What was most important to you when you first started Discovery?
Remembering what it was that made me love dance as a child and engaging the children that way.  The thrill of moving through space and feeling the wind blowing in my hair.  The joy of traveling across a 40 foot floor in 4 or 5 steps.  How using my feet to push could send me up into the air. Turning and how easy it was when you knew how.  Moving to music that inspired me and allowed me to express my feelings.

Was it hard being a mother and a business owner? 
Yes, very hard.  But my daughters, fell in love with dance and gymnastics too.  I was a single mom at that point and it was hard doing both. At times I was consumed with what I was creating but its important to remember what is most important

Toddler Talk    
In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday and Read Across America in March, we asked the staff what are their favorite Dr. Seuss books and why:
Leah Ginsky, Music Teacher
Green Eggs and Ham: I have fond memories of reading it to my little brother. 
Katrina Muffley, Ballet Teacher
Oh the Places You Will Go: Each time I had a little “life hurdle” to overcome or take on growing up, my mom would read me this story and it put things in the right perspective. I also love his saying: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 
Sarah Roberts, Early Childhood and Dance Assistant
Green Eggs and Ham: My parents would always read this book to me and I remember reading it to my sisters with them. Also my kindergarten class actually made green eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss week! I still remember it to this day! It was so oddly fun!
Timi Mathai, Early Childhood Teacher
The Lorax: I think the message of hope is conveyed beautifully in the text.  I love reading it to children because it shows them the power they have as individuals in this world. As the Lorax said, “unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not”. 
Jen Katz, Early Childhood Teacher
Fox in Socks: It’s always been my kids’ most requested Seuss read aloud.
They love the silliness and ridiculous combination of mostly made up words.
I also think they love it so much because of how challenging it is for parents to read! If you haven’t tackled it yet, you must soon! 
Julia Fidler, Office Coordinator
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish: I like this book because it has numerals, it rhymes and it’s easy to read. I have memories of reading it to my daughter and we were counting humps on the wumps!
Shelly Macdonald’s Parent Workshops:
Click here for Shelly’s new workshops coming up How to Talk to So Kids Will Listen
Ted Talks to Watch:
Click here for a wonderful article featuring great TED talks for parents!
Discovery Announcements!
Spring Break
We will be closed April 10th through April 22nd for Spring Break.
All Make-ups must be completed by May 20th. Please call to schedule at the Front Desk. 
Spring Recital
As a reminder, our Spring Recital performances are May, 7th at 11am and 2pm. Tickets are now on sale at the Front Desk.  
Discovery Olympics
Call us for more information about this new event for our recreational gymnasts on Sunday, May 21st. This is a paid optional event where gymnasts can perform routines for their parents. 

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